CampusReel vs. Unveild for higher ed video content at scale
A decade ago, video content in higher education marketing was a nice-to-have, with schools primarily relying on brochures, print materials, and static web content to attract students. Campus visits, mailers, and word-of-mouth were dominant, while written testimonials and magazines served as key storytelling tools. Today, however, with digital platforms like TikTok and YouTube Shorts on the rise and an audience increasingly oriented towards video, it has become essential for institutions to use video to authentically showcase campus life and differentiate themselves. Despite its importance, producing quality video remains challenging, requiring either skilled videographers or time-consuming user-generated content (UGC) from students and alumni. Two companies, CampusReel and Unveild, have emerged to address these challenges, and this article will explore the differences between their approaches to creating higher ed video at scale.